North Hollywood Dental Services

Put a Dental Checkup on Your Child’s Back-to-School Checklist

August 24, 2021

The weeks before the school year begins are very busy. Parents are buying their kids new clothes, shopping for school supplies and figuring out their family’s new activities schedules. A dental check-up should also be on their agenda. 

Yes, it’s important to take your child to the dentist during the rest of the year, but a back-to-school examination is imperative in the fight against the most prevalent dental condition found in youngsters: cavities. Detecting them early—or, better yet, stopping their formation in the first place—can assist in staving off pain, problems eating, speech difficulties and being absent from school. 

At the office of Caring Bear Dental, rest assured that your child’s teeth are in good hands with us as we gently clean her (or his) teeth, check for cavities, and make sure she is keeping up with good brushing and flossing habits. 

Routine dental visits are essential in the early detection of problems. Good oral health is closely linked to academic success, and back-to-school checkups can help identify cavities and other dental maladies. Our team of skilled professionals can treat these conditions before they have a chance to take a toll on your child’s success in and out of the classroom.

In addition to taking their youngsters to the dentist, parents also help them by employing these tactics:

  1. Use “smart” snacks: Swap out sugary and salty junk food with healthy alternatives. Pack their lunchboxes with crunchy snacks such as celery sticks, baby carrots and cubes of cheddar cheese.
  2. Instill in them the 3-2-1 rule: Eat three healthy meals, brush two times (morning and night) and floss at least one time every day.
  3. Set a positive example: Make sure your kids know that you too go to the dentist. Dental visits can be scary for some kids, but showing them that it’s no big deal can help. 

Caring Bear Dental is committed to your child’s oral health by providing the highest quality of skilled and compassionate care. For more information about our office and many services, please contact us today. 


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